Sunday, February 21, 2010


Proper Noun - s le' p Kinda llike a drug but you're hooked at birth. As you grow older and worked f*%#ed up hours and invest in a life, you go through withdrawl. Withdrawl Symptoms: Heavy eye lids, tired muscles, confusion, boredom, being on the computer at 3:00am (after work), watching reruns of the 10:00pm news. Treatment: Well. there are three ways we can go with this; 1. Kicking the habit: Continue with withdrawl. soon enough you'll replace your blood with bawls, jolt, or coffie. You may go crazy, but you'll have more time on your hands. 2. Overdose: Keep your funny hours at work. When you get home from work on Friday, just crash on your bed and sleep right through the weekend. 3. Work around it: Ask for different hours at work. When your boss laughs in your face, reffer to methods 1 and 2. Side affects of taking Sleep include: Refershed feeling, more energy, better attitude towards life, better pefromance in the workplace, addiction.
"I need to get some more SLEEP."

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