Friday, January 13, 2012


CHEERS!   >^..^<
1. DO NOT walk underneath a ladder.

2. DO NOT let a black cat cross your path. A black cat crossed my path on the 11th – phew, that was close!

3. DO NOT break a mirror.

4. DO NOT refuse a kiss under the mistletoe … in August.

5. DO NOT spill salt without throwing some over your left shoulder.

6. DO NOT open an umbrella indoors.

7. DO NOT pick up a penny that is tails up.

8. DO NOT put new shoes on the table.

9. DO NOT pass someone on the stairs. On a busy day, you might not get anywhere. Best to take the elevator.

10. DO NOT step on any cracks. You’re welcome, Mom.

11. DO NOT look at an owl in daylight.

12. DO NOT kill a ladybug.

13. If a picture falls face-down by itself, someone will die. Hrrmmm. Not much you can do to avoid that one.